Reunion 2002 - BMC(SS) Jack Stevenson, Plankowner & COB 44-45, aka "Panama Jack", listens
to a good sea story (Vernon) (sr02v327). | 2002 - Only 100% truthful sea stories were told at the Buffalo reunion (Vernon) (sr02v336). | 2002 - MM2(SS) Jim Wery 66 put 26 years in the military but not all of it in submarines
(Wery) (sr02w345). |
Chasn Reunion 2003 - TM2(SS) Dave Hardy (62-66) conducts SENNET's memorial service
onboard the carrier Yorktown. Dave's congregation in Oklahoma gave a very generous
contribution to suppor the reunion and memorial service (Albury) (sr03a354). | Chasn Reunion Banquet 2003 - EN1(SS) Jeter Brock (62-64) and ENCS(SS) Edgar Sweeny
(57-59) & (61-67) (Albury) (sr03a363). | Chasn Reunion 2003 - (Barwick) (sr03b372). |
Chasn Reunion 2003 - Ralph Luther (64-68), "Panama Jack" Stevenson (44-45), and Jim Vernon (64-65) try to
get the ladies interested in a wet T-shirt contest (Barwick) (sr03b381). | Reunion 2003 - Chasn - (L to R) MM3 Ed Jones (62), his cousin EM3 Marvin White (60-62), and
Ed Moss (Ed Jones) (sr03j578). | Chasn Reunion 2003 - (Shoesmith) (sr03s390). |
Reunion 2003 - (L to R) Jim Vernon and Ralph Luther (Vernon) (sr03v405). | Chasn Reunion 2003 - Raffle prizes (Vernon) (sr03v414). | Chasn Reunion 2003 - (L to R) Dale Cross (59-68) and Edgar Sweeney (57-59) & (61-67)
(Vernon) (sr03v423). |
Welcome to the USS SENNET Reunion in Charleston - 2003 - (Vernon) (sr03v432). | The 2005 reunion dinner cruise will be onboard the Lady Anderson, a fine dining yacht much like
SENNET (Wilderman) (sr04w653).
| Panama City Beach Reunion - 2005 - (L-R) Robert St John, Janet St John, and
Jack Stevenson at the Wednesday evening get together (Luther) (sr05l645). |
Panama City Beach Reunion - 2005 - Wreath for Memorial Service (Luther) (sr05l654). | Panama City Beach Reunion - 2005 - Marguerite and Jim Dunbar at the
Thursday evening supper (Luther) (sr05l663). | Reunion 05 - Panama City Beach - (L-R) Cecelia Henderson, Ted Darby,
Stella Barwick, Ernie Barwick, Geneva Radd, Lou Radd, and Pappy Henderson
on the dinner cruise (Luther) (sr05l672). |