Charleston, SC 1968 - USS SENNET moored at Pier "November" (Butler) (sb68b098). |  Charleston, SC 1968 - USS SENNET gets underway from Pier "November" on a dependents' cruise (Butler) (sb68b099). |  Oct 1968 - Exercise torpedos are supposed to shut down as soon as they acquire their target.
This does not always happen. Here an aircraft launched torpedo struck SENNET almost head on
in the sail. There is another hole in the starboard side of the sail not visible (Hale) (sb68h583). |
 Dependents' Cruise 1968 - Up Scope for a Look Around - SK2 Bradley
Butler's ex-wife, Karen, takes a turn on #1 scope (Butler) (sc68b254). |  Dependents' Cruise 1968 - SK2 Bradley Butler and his ex-wife, Karen, sit next
to the forward room WT door (Butler) (sc68b255). |  Dependents' Cruise 1968 - Cutting the cake to celebrate SENNET's birthday (Butler) (sc68b256). |
 1968 - TM3(SS) Leslie "Pineapple" Correia, port lookout (Butler) (sc68b257). |  1968 - (L to R) EMC Bennet Hale and EMCS Vernon "Blinky" Barnett (Hale) (sc68h541). |  1968 - (L to R) EM1 Jim Scott and MM2 Ronald Brownlee in the GTMO Hilton (Hale) (sc68h542). |
 1968 - EMC Bennet Hale 66-68 on the barge in GTMO (Hale) (sc68h621). |  1968 - EMC Bennet Hale 66-68 on the barge in GTMO (Hale) (sc68h622). |  Circa 1968 - (L to R) QM Ron Bycroft, QM Richard Bailey, EN Elmon Walters, Capt O'Brien, TM Leslie Correia, TM John Anderson, and RM William
Andrews (Zimmerman) (sc68z266). |
 1968 - A clipping from the GILMORE's newspaper about USS SENNET's 25th anniversary celebration (Hale) (sm68h567). |  1968 - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - Our home away from home - The GTMO Hilton
(McAteer) (sm68m307). |  Circa 1968 - The infamous Gitmo Hilton (Tidd) (sm68t308). |