1967 - USS SENNET moored alongside USS Mullinnix (DD-914) in the Straits of Magellan at the
southern tip of South America (Woods - Mullinnix) (sb67w913). |  Circa 1967 - SENNET displays her masts and antennas during ASW training (Zorzi) (sb67z095). |  1967 - USS SENNET moored in La Guaria during UNITAS VIII (Zimmerman) (sb67z096). |
 1967 - USS SENNET moored in Salvador, Brazil during UNITAS VIII (Zimmerman) (sb67z097). |  UNITAS VIII (Nov 67) STS3(SS) Martin “Marty” Finocchiaro on the ECM stack in control enroute to Port of Spain, Trinidad. (gallucci)(sc67g1471)
|  UNITAS VIII - EMC(SS) Ronald J. “Ron” Feulner (64-68 decom). (gallucci)(sc67g1473)
 UNITAS VIII - LT James T. Abbey (Comms 67-68 decom). (gallucci)(sc67g1474)
|  UNITAS VIII - LT Robert V. Burnett (Eng 66-68) on the bridge enroute Charleston from South America. (gallucci)(sc67g1475)
|  UNITAS VIII - ENS Lawrence L. Brownley (Supply 67-68) on the bridge. (gallucci)(sc67g1477)
 UNITAS VIII - YNSN(SS) Everett L. Hoats (67-68). (gallucci)(sc67g1479)
|  UNITAS VIII - EM3(SS) David J. Molnar (64-67). (gallucci)(sc67g1480)
|  UNITAS VIII - (L to R) ETN3(SS) Gary W. Jahn (67-68 decom) and STS3(SS) Crouse (67-68). (gallucci)(sc67g1481)
 1967 - The QM's often relieved the helm so the helmsman and lookouts could rotate watches and
make coffee runs. QM2(SS) Pollard takes the helm while transiting Panama during UNITAS VIII (Pollard) (sc67p245). |  1967 Montevideo, Uruguay (L to R) Larry Brownley, Victor "Gene" Clemmons,
Bob Burnett, Capt. Art Thompson, Tom Luckman, Jim Abbey, and Jim Tidd (Tidd) (sc67t246). |  04 Sept 1967 UNITAS VIII - As SENNET headed south across the equator,
the Royal Baby, AKA FTG3(SS) Chuck "Animal" Wrayno, appeared with a jar
of cherries to decorate his celebrated navel (Tidd) (sc67t247). |
 Oct 1967 - The UNITAS Band in the American Bar in Valpariso, Chile (Tidd) (sc67t248). |  04 Sept 1967 UNITAS VIII - A lucky Pollywog gets to kiss the Royal Baby's belly as SENNET
crosses the equator. FTG3(SS) Chuck "Animal" Wrayno is the Royal Baby (Tidd) (sc67t249). |  1967 - A working drawing of SENNET's patch (Pollard). |