1967 - SENNET underway on three engines passes under the Cooper River
bridge (note the shadows off her bow) (Cross) (sb67c090). | 1967 - ASW forces make practice bombing runs on SENNET (Cross) (sb67c091). | 1967 – Anchored out. (gallucci)(sb67g1516)
1967 – Anchored out. (gallucci)(sb67g1517)
| 1967 - USS SENNET and a destroyer work their way through the locks in
Panama during UNITAS VIII (Hale) (sb67h581). | 1967 - USS SENNET waits at anchor to enter the Panama Canal during UNITAS VIII (Hale) (sb67h582). |
1967 - USS SENNET enters the locks in the Panama Canal during UNITAS VIII (Hale) (sb67h586). | Oct 1967 - SENNET transits the Straits of Magellan at the southern tip of
South America (Tidd) (sb67t092). | Circa 1967 - SENNET displays her masts and antennas during ASW training (Zorzi) (sb67z094). |
1967 - EM2(SS), later EM1, Dennis Harding is all smiles in manueuvering
as a normal battery charge gets to the finishing rate (Harding) (sc67h243). | 1967 - CDR J.T. O'Brien, C.O., presents and award to EMC Bennet Hale (Hale) (sc67h486). | 1967 - (L to R) EMC Bennet Hale and RMC Marvin Mayes escourt a South American tour group
through SENNET's forward torpedo room (Hale) (sc67h625). |
1967 - QM2(SS) Pollard shoots bearings on #1 scope (Pollard) (sc67p244). | Oct 1967 - Punta Arenas, Chile (L to R) XO George Scott, CO Art Thompson, Comms Jim Abbey, Nav/Ops
Jim Tidd, Tom Luckman, Eng Bob Burnett, UNITAS VIII Operational Commander RADM Harflimger (Tidd) (sc67t250). | 1967 - Montevideo, Uruguay - (L to R) Ronald Rawson SN, David "Randy"
Poston FTG3, Jon Zimmerman IC3, and John "Little John" Duncan TM2 (Zimmerman) (sc67z252). |
1967 - IC3(SS) Jon Zimmerman 67-68 on board USS SENNET in Uraguay during
UNITAS VIII (Zimmerman) (sc67z253). | UNITAS VIII – wallet cards.(gallucci)(sm67g1467)
| DBF Dolphins (Rainwater)(sp01r311). |