1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16) (Hartman) (sb61h595). |  1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16).
ET2 Fred Hartman, a Gilmore crew member, made these photos (Hartman) (sb61h596). |  1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16).
SENNET and Gilmore were enroute to New York (Hartman) (sb61h597). |
 1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16) (Hartman) (sb61h598). |  1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16). There's no
safe deck space to handle lines on a sub at sea (Hartman) (sb61h599). |  1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16). Unrep
in progress (Hartman) (sb61h600). |
 1961 - USS SENNET conducting an unrep with USS Gilmore (AS-16) (Hartman) (sb61h601). |  Celebrating Sennet’s 5000 th dive - (L to R) SOG2(SS) Charles Oliver (61-63), STC(SS) Ted Jackson (59-62) and LCDR Harry S. Hart (CO 60-62). (white)(sc61w1535)
|  1961 - QM1(SS) Darrel Honeycutt (59-61) on the air manifold and YN3(SS) Roger McIntire (60-61) in the background. (white)(sc61w1536)
 1961 - EM1(SS) George “Doc” Savidge (57-61) in the port forward control room. (white)(sc61w1537)
|  Looking forward in the conn - (L to R) EM2(SS) Bill Butler (60-63) on the helm and QM2(SS) Albert “Tammy” Wolstenholme (58-62). (white)(sc61w1538)
|  Sennet’s after engine room - contact Stan if you can name this sailor. (white)(sc61w1539)
 Port after control room - IC3(SS) David Johnson (58-61) standing, TM1(SS) Ralph Klotz (59-63) on the bow planes, ??, and FTG1(SS) James Johns (59-63) on the trim manifold. (white)(sc61w1540)
|  SENNET Chiefs in 1961 - starting left & going clockwise: RMC Ed Orr, EMC "Pete" Yeager,
FTC David Veder (not sure), TMC Ken Cost (not sure), ENC Earl Brown, EMCS Harold Breite,
and STC Ted Jackson (Yeager) (sc61y512). | |