Balao class mess decks (USS Ling - NJNM) (sb01p001). |  Balao class forward torpedo room (USS Ling - NJNM) (sb01p002). |  Inside the Battery Well (USS Ling-NJNM) (sb01p003). |
 Can you name the alarms, their sounds, shapes, colors, and purposes? (USS Ling-NJNM) (sb01p004). |  Torpedo Tube blow & vent manifold (USS Ling-NJNM) (sb01p005). |  Control Room looking forward (USS Ling-NJNM) (sb01p006). |
 25 Dec 1946 - XMAS Day - Crew members of USS Olympus watch as USS SENNET
joins the convoy south for Operation High Jump (National Archives)(sb46a017). |  25 Dec 1946 - USS SENNET plunges through the heavy swells of the "Roaring Forties" as she
nears the Antarctic Ocean (National Archives)(sb46a018). |  USS SENNET underway - The date is unknown, however the after gun mount is removed (Hovey)(sb46h019). |
 SENNET photos on display in the submarine museum in St. Mary's, Georgia,
not far fom King's Bay (Zorzi) (sm04z654).
|  SENNET photos on display in the submarine museum in St. Mary's, Georgia,
not far fom King's Bay (Zorzi) (sm04z655).
|  SENNET photos on display in the submarine museum in St. Mary's, Georgia,
not far fom King's Bay (Zorzi) (sm04z656).
 2007 - USS SENNET builder's plaque (Vernon) (sp07v859).
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